Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Waste Land"!

Now that we have explored the poem a little more, I am starting to appreciate it a little more. I would not go as far to say I like it...yet...but I do appreciate it. Many of the critics we have read in class have different opinions of Eliot's reasoning and style. Some think he meant to write the poem the way he wrote it, with every piece of information and punctuation exactly the way it is in the poem. Others think it was more just a stream of conscious that doesn't seem to make sense. First reading it, I would completely agree with the whole stream of conscious idea, but now, after reading others opinions, I think Eliot definitely had a reason and planned out style for the poem. It was interesting exploring the poem on a political level because there is so much politics involved. Now, to me personally, it is like a puzzle or maze that he intended for the reader to put together! Every time we discuss it, a new piece starts to make sense and falls into place, it is pretty cool actually. Whether or not I like the poem, it is unique, and deserves to be given credit for it's uniqueness. Eliot seems to be doing something I have never read before, and what that is, I can not quite figure out...yet...

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